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Supported Command Stations

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Library FADA1) PADA2) Controller(s) Description Status PT3) PoM4) Functions manually
Support 5)
barjut N N BarJuT Barcode Detection Barcode Dectection from EJuRaT tested - - - - -
bidib Y N BiDiB BiDirectional Bus tested N R/W 28 Y OpenDCC Y
rcan - - GCA CANBUS CANBUS - Compatible with CBUS and WIO-CAN tested W W 28 Y - -
cti - - CTI Electronics tested - - - - - -
dcc232 Y Y DCC232 Use a serial (USB) device to generate DCC tested N W 28 Y RR -
dccpp Y Y DCC++ Use an Arduino as CS tested R/W W 28 Y RR -
dccar - - PC Sender IR Car Control tested N N 11 N no -
dinamo N N Dinamo v3.0 Dinamo controls analog trains, DCC trains and MCC cars by one hardware platform. tested - - 4
(cars: 8)
yes -
dmx4all N N DMX4ALL USB interface tested - - - yes -
dmxartnet N N AVR-ArtNetNode tested - - - yes -
dmxeurolite N N EuroLite USB-DMX512-Pro tested - - - no -
easydcc Y Y CVP Products DCC Command Station tested W W 28 Y no -
ecos N N ECoS Controller (ESU Website), Märklin Central Station 1 Reloaded (ESU Website) ECoS ESU Command Station, Märklin Central Station 1 (Reloaded), PIKO SmartBox and ECoS CabControl tested W
28 Y yes Y
editspro N N Elektor EDiTS PRO tested - - - - - -
esunavi Y N ESU Navigator ESU Navigator,
Bachmann Dynamis Ultima
tested - - - - - -
got N N GamesOnTrack tested - - - - - -
hue N N Philips HUE tested - - - - - -
hsi88 N N LDT website LDT website USB PC-Schnitte Littfinski Daten Technik its fast s88 bus. tested - - - no -
Infracar N N Infracar IR Car Control tested - - - - - -
lcm N N Light Control Module - - - - - - -
loconet Y Y Digitrax LocoNet
LocoBuffer, LocoBuffer-USB, IntelliBox Basic I/II, IB-Com, LbServer, DR5000.
Based on LocoNet Personal Edition tested W R/W 28 Y no MARCo, GBM16xn
lodi Y N tested - - - - -
LSdigital(µCon)-S88 - - S88 Bus master. tested - - - - - -
mbus Y Y Märklin Central Station 2/3, TrackBox (Märklin Website) Central Station 2 (10/2008) (CS2) with color screen, also CS3 tested N N 28 no -
massoth - - Massoth DiMAX tested W W 28 Y yes -
mdrrc - _ Model Digital Railroad Central Station DIY Central Station DCC /MM tested - - 16 yes -
modbus - _ Modbus compatible PLCs like Siemens LOGO! Modbus tested - - - - -
milight N N Mi.Light tested - - - - - -
mttmfcc - - MTTM FCC tested - - 16 no -
muet N N Müt MC2004 For use with BD8i detection. tested N N 2 no -
nce Y Y NCE DCC Powerhouse CS and USB. tested W W 28 no -
om32 N N Dinamo OM32/OC32 RS485 Switches and outputs with OM32/OC32-RS485. tested - - - yes -
opendcc p50x/Y p50x/Y OpenDCC Open source DCC Command Station. Support for p50x/XpressNet commands and setup. tested W W 28/28 yes Y
p50 N N Märklin 6050/51 Märklin protocol also useable with EDiTS (not Pro), IntelliBox, Tams, DIGITAL-S-INSIDE. tested N - 4 no -
p50x Y Y IntelliBox (TWIN-Center, OpenDCC, Tams,mc2, MrDirect, DIGITAL-S-INSIDE, MDRRC) IntelliBox protocol from Uhlenbrock. tested W W 28 no -
perir N N Per's Model Train recognition system IR Train recognition. tested - - - - -
rclink Y - Tams RailCom Link RC-Link tested - - - yes Y
raptor - - Raptor Digital - - - - 28 - -
rfbooster - - OpenCar DCC-RF-Booster communication by serial port - - - - - OpenDCC -
rfid12 Y - MERG Kits Readers based on ID-12 tested - W - no -
rmx - - Rautenhaus - tested - - 23 no -
rocnet Y Y Open Rocrail Protocol RocNet - W W 28 RR -
rnet Y N Roco 10785 RocoNet tested W W 12 no -
tamsmc Y Y Tams MasterControl & RedBox IntelliBox protocol from Uhlenbrock. tested W W 28 yes -
slx N N SLX825, Stärz ZS1 Selectrix PC interface tested N - 2 no -
spl - - Elektor Serial Programmable LEDs tested - - - - -
sprog Y Y SPROG II SPROG II DCC, also known as MERG kit. tested W W 28 yes -
srcp Y Y Simple Railroad Command Protocol Open Source protocol which is used in DDL/ DDW project. (erddcd, srcpd) tested W W 12 - -
virtual Y Y Virtual test CS tested W W 28 Y RR -
wmz21 - - Emulates a z/Z21 and dispatches all WLANmaus commands to another CS tested W W 28 Y RR -
xnet Y Y Lenz LI100/LI100F, LI101, LI-USB, LZV, OpenDCC, Hornby Elite, Atlas Commander, GenLi, Viessmann Commander, DR5000, S88XPressNetLi Lenz XpressNet. tested W W 28 Y yes Y
zimo N N Zimo MX1 Zimo ASCII protocol. (sensor reading not possible) tested W - 8 no -
zimobin - - Zimo MX1, MX1EC Zimo Binary protocol. tested W - 12 no -
zimocan - - Zimo MX10 Zimo CAN V2 protocol. testing/WIP - - - - yes -
zs2 - - ZS2 Staerz ZS2 tested - - 16 yes -
z21/Z21 Y N Z21, DR5000 Roco z21/Z21 tested W W 28 Y yes -

Programming Track (Operation Mode Programming) (Read, Write, No (does not work), "-" (not tested)
Programming on the Main (Operation Mode Programming) (Read, Write, No (does not work), "-" (not tested)
Manufacturer Support (info or hardware): yes; no; "-" (never asked manufacturer)
controllers-en.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/18 00:08 by rainerk