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Convert a Regular plan to a Modular plan

ContentModular Layouts

As discussed in the Forum on February 1, 2016 by LDG.

A transformation is partially possible, but also requires manual work.
As an example take a current plan with 2 levels (e.g. "Hidden Staging" and "Main Station"), each level has to be converted into a separate module (part) plan.

Step 1.
Start Rocview with workspace or connect to Rocrail server or open (multi tab) plan file.

Step 2.
Select "Hidden Staging" track panel : "File" / "Save level as…" / default file name "title of selected track panel".xml (e.g. "Hidden Staging.xml")
Select "Main Station" track panel : "File" / "Save level as…" / default file name "title of selected track panel".xml (e.g. "Main Station.xml")

Step 3.
Create a new Workspace
Copy Hidden Staging.xml and Main Station.xml (created in Step 2.) into this new Workspace.

Step 4.
Start Rocrail/Rocview and using the Workspace (created in Step 3.) generate a module plan from the plans Hidden Staging.xml and Main Staging.xml.

If necessary, delete out of the Sub-plans the Routes and Loco information.

Other Wiki Modular sources:
Modular Setup

conversion-modular-concept-en.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/12 08:56 by