Table of Contents
DMX Art-Net
The DMX standard can be used in combination with color Output objects and indirectly by the Weather control.
The AVR-ArtNetNode communicates over LAN using the UDP protocol which do not need any form of handshake.
The IP address of the DMX AVR ArtNetNode. (Default:
Frame rate
The DMX512 frame rate in range of 100ms and 10sec.
Default 500ms.
The universe to use; Check the ArtNet specs.
Default is zero which should do in most cases.
Map white
If a device does not have a white channel the white value will be added to the RGB channels.
Restore channels
Restore the channel data of the previous Rocrail session.
Poll the network for ArtNet compatible devices.
Only Rocrail Output objects are supported.
Output | DMX |
Address | DMX device address between 1 and 512 |
An assembled AVR-ArtNetNode and a DMX compatible flood light:
The documentation is a bit scrambled in this archive:
But contains never the less all needed information.
Also information on how to change the IP address is documented and needs another piece of software linked in the start-up document. This is a little bit time-consuming if your home LAN is not in the 192.168.0.* subnet. For this purpose an extra DHCP switch will be very helpful.
To activate the slave mode in the Flood Light setup is not well documented and needs some fantasy.
DMX Workshop
Rocrail is also listed in the DMX Workshop but with a default OEM:
Received OEM Code for Rocrail: 0x1180
DMX Example
Device 1
DMX address = 1
Channel | Usage |
1 | Brightness/Dimmer |
2 | Red |
3 | Green |
4 | Blue |
5 | Speed |
6 | Mode |
Device 2
DMX address = 7 (1 + 6 channels of device 1)
Channel | Usage |
1 | Red |
2 | Green |
3 | Blue |
4 | White |
5 | Strobe |
6 | Mode |
7 | Speed |
Output 1 (dmx1)
General Tab
Field | Value |
ID | dmx1 |
Interface Tab
Field | Value |
IID | artnode |
Address | 1 |
Value | 2551) |
Options | Color |
Type | light |
Color Tab
This device has the same channel assignments as listed here.
Channel | Value |
Red | 2 |
Green | 3 |
Blue | 4 |
White | 0 |
Brightness | 1 |
Output 2 (dmx2)
General Tab
Field | Value |
ID | dmx1 |
Interface Tab
Field | Value |
IID | artnode |
Address | 7 |
Value | 2552) |
Options | Color |
Type | light |
Color Tab
Channel | Value |
Red | 1 |
Green | 2 |
Blue | 3 |
White | 4 |
Brightness | 0 |