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GCA204 Railcom display

Sometimes, there's no need to develop something...

Developing various useful items for model railroad is my hobby.
But sometimes somebody else made something, that is too good to develop it again.
This is one, I found here:
I liked it such that I designed a board for it, and called it GCA204.
Firmware is all available on the network.
There is hardly anything further to describe about it, all is already readable :
on Paco's Official Website.
This board is no longer available.
Look at GCA214 for next development.


Bill of materials

# Item Part
1 R1 33 Ohm
1 R3 2,2 Ohm 2 Watt
1 R4 1 Kohm
1 R5 33 Ohm
1 R6 220 Ohm
1 R7 220 Ohm
1 R8 270 KOhm
1 R9 33 KOhm
1 R10 1 KOhm
1 R11 820 Ohm
1 R12 10 KOhm
1 R13 47 KOhm
1 R14 1 KOhm
1 R15 47 KOhm
1 R16 10 KOhm
1 R17 1 KOhm
1 C1 100 nF
1 C2 100 nF
1 C3 Elco 100 uF 16V radial
1 C4 Elco 100 uF 16V radial
1 C5 22 pF
1 C6 22 pF
1 C8 1 nF
1 IC1 PIC16F690
1 IC2 LM339
1 VR1 7805
1 D1 Diode 1n4148
1 D2 Diode 1n4148
1 D3 Diode 1n4148
1 P1 Trimmer 10 KOhm
1 == pcboard GCA204
1 display 2x 16 char
1 X1 crystal 8 MHz
4 2mm support for display
4 == fasteneers m2x6 for display
1 J1 4 screw terminal 3,81 mm pitch
1 16 pins header + pins for display

gca204-en.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/15 16:47 by phg