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Dialog: Menu: Rocview → Tables → LightControl

With the Toolbar symbol the Light Control is global switched On / Off.

Off On
Toolbar symbol / /

The "On/Off" status is saved for the next start.


The LightControl has been introduced for managing lights on the layout.

  • Buildings
  • Street lights
  • Events
  • and so on…

The Rocrail Server model time is used for calculating the light actions.



Unique ID of this Light Control entry.


The selected output, switch or Accessory Group ID.
Multiple entries for the same ID are valid as long as they do not overlap in time with each other.


Free text to describe the light usage.


Time when to activate this light.
Format: HH:mm
To use the sunrise/sunset the Location must be set.


Time when to deactivate this light.
Format: HH:mm
To use the sunrise/sunset the Location must be set.


The wanted light action:

  • Continuous
  • Random
  • Blink
  • Fade-in
  • Fade-out


The parameters for the actions:

Action Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Remark
Continuous - - - - No parameters used
Random Min. OFF Max. OFF Min. ON Max. ON Randomised time in seconds *
Blink On time Off time - - Time in seconds *
Fade-in Steps per second Max. brightness - - Max. 255 (For color/light outputs only.)
Fade-out Steps per second Start brightness - - Max. 255 (For color/light outputs only.)

* In real time the model time is not taken into account here.


Enable the selected light control record.


Deactivated after the "to time" has been reached.
This option should be disabled to fade-in a light and keep it active after the "to time" has been reached, and fade-out with another record for the same light.


Color support for Outputs.

If all values ​​are "0", the values ​​from the output are used. If only one value is greater than "0", the values ​​from the lighting control are used.
Please note that these values ​​are then also entered in the output.

Week days

If a light is not scheduled for the actual week day, it will not be touched; If its on, it stays on, and if its off, it stays off.


This example was made with Rocrail Version 2.1.258 and demonstrates continuous, blinking and random light control.

lightctrl-en.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/23 10:42 by rjversluis