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Uhlenbrock 68610 Lissy

ContentRocviewProgrammingStationary Decoders



Only the basic functions of the Lissy receiver can be programmed by this dialog. All other features are not from any interest when using Rocrail as control system.
Lissy is one of the many BiDi solutions. For more information: Bi-Directional Communication


Before start programming, make sure the Lissy receiver is the only connected module of its kind currently connected to the LocoNet; the Uhlenbrock defined packets do not regard module addressing.


Screen shot of the Lissy programming dialog.

Address 1

Reporting address of the first IR sensor, which is also the module address.

Address 2

Reporting address of the second IR sensor in single reporting mode.


double both sensors are used for one event message which includes the train velocity
single an event is generated for both sensors separately without velocity info

Reporting format

none no reporting -
Lissy Uhlenbrock Lissy reporting format OPC_LISSY_REP
Transponder enter Digitrax transponder receiver format OPC_MULTI_SENSE
Transponder exit Digitrax transponder receiver format OPC_MULTI_SENSE


Only enabled for double sensor reporting.
The scale/gauge for calculating the velocity.

Sensor gap

Only enabled for double sensor reporting.
The distance between the two sensors in mm.

lissy-programming-en.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/12 08:56 by