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Tracking none operational blocks


Out of operation Blocks are only blocked from using via the Auto mode. But these blocks can be used with manually controlled locomotives/trains undisturbed by the Auto mode.

The tracking described here is possible because "ghost train / ghost" messages are automatically deactivated for blocks set "out of operation". If an Enter event is triggered in an out of operation block, the finder tries to find the triggering locomotive. Based on the current switch positions, a suitable route is determined that explicitly leads from or to a neighboring block. If a locomotive occupies this block, the block becomes free and the occupancy changes to the block that triggered the Enter event.

  • Notes:
    The function is independent of whether the adjacent block is in or out of operation.
    If no suitable route can be determined and/or the adjacent block is unoccupied, the Enter event has no further effect.

    If the take out of operation / put into operation is needed more frequently ever for multiple same blocks (e.g. a shunting yard), this can be done with recordings of the Command Recorders be simplified.
manual-tracking-en.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/29 01:31 by rainerk