Table of Contents
Content → Rocview → Programming → Mobile & Stationary Decoders
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- Note: The values are randomly created when using the virtual command station.
Locos, cars and stationary decoders are listed if the address is set greater then zero.
Loco Image
A left mouse click will open a throttle dialog and a right click the loco properties dialog.
Decoder open file
Default the nmra-rp922.xml file will be used.
Opening another decoder definition file will change this default and is saved in the decoder properties.
Default the Decoder Path in Rocview is set to "decspecs" which will only work in case Rocview is started in the "rocrail" user directory which is Operating System dependent.
- Linux/Mac: ~/rocrail/decspecs
Image Open
An optional decoder image can be selected. (For mobile decoder only.)
Max. height is 80 pixels.
The loaded decoder definition can be saved under another name.
CV Information
The CV information can be modified and will be saved on enter.
Hexadecimal representation of the CV value.
On enter this value will be used.
indexed CV's
Multiple use of CV's > 256
*Additional documentation/instructions
Read or write the CV value.
Read all
Read all CVs listed in the Programming Tab.
Ranges can be defined for RocPro: "1,2,3,511-546,7"…
DCC Accessory programming on the main.
Only available if POM is set.
The check box can assume three states:
Empty | ![]() | ![]() | Mobile decoder |
✔ | ![]() | ![]() | Accessory decoder |
− | ![]() | ![]() | Extended accessory decoder 2) |
Supported CS
- OpenDCC Z1
- BiDiB
- z21/Z21 german Forum post
- ECoS (4.2.3) (13998+)
Save the value, after reading the CV, in the loco properties.
See the decoder and command station manual for which mode is supported and best to use.
Extended Address
The extended address usage must be setup in CV29 → Config.
This option writes the extended address also in CV 117 and 118 for the Lissy sender.
Opens the VCurve dialog for setting the 28 speed values.
The Config DIP if CV29 is selected.
If the checkbox is selected the actual value will be used instead of reading the decoder. Default 14.
Try to detect the decoder manufacturer and type to load automatically the right Decoder Definition.
Manufacturer List
The following file will be loaded for detecting the manufacturer:
This file is formatted like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <manulist> <manu id="97" desc="Doehler & Haass GmbH" dir="dh" link="" typecv="261"/> <manu id="99" desc="Lenz Elektronik GmbH" dir="lenz" link="" typecv="7"/> <manu id="145" desc="ZIMO ELEKTRONIK GmbH" dir="zimo" link="" typecv="250"/> </manulist>
If the detected manufacturer ID 99 is detected, the following decoder list will be loaded after CV 7 has been read:
This file is formatted like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <dectypelist id="99" desc="Lenz Elektronik GmbH" typecv="7" defspec=""> <dectype val="90" type="GOLD-mini-plus"/> <dectype val="91" type="GOLD-plus"/> <dectype val="93" type="Standard-plus" id="10231-01"/> <dectype val="94" type="SILVER-plus-Next18"/> <dectype val="95" type="SILVER-plus"/> </dectypelist>
If the read CV 7 has a value of 95 the following Decoder Definition file will be loaded:
The suffix "-en" is automatically added and is dependent of the selected language in Rocview.
Dynamic Input Panel.
If the decoder file contains CVByte DIP definitions either double clicking the item (Ver. 6149+) or clicking the DIP button will popup a user defined dialog for modifying a value.
<cvbyte nr="50" cat="config" desc="Motor configuration" > <adip id="cv50"> <dipgroup caption="Type" type="0" ori="1" mask="7"> <dipvalue name="1" value="0"/> <dipvalue name="2" value="1"/> <dipvalue name="3" value="2"/> <dipvalue name="4" value="3"/> <dipvalue name="5" value="4"/> </dipgroup> <dipgroup caption="Options" type="1" ori="1" spacing="4"> <dipvalue name="EMF activated" value="32"/> <dipvalue name="Control switched OFF" value="64"/> <dipvalue name="Low frequency control (approx. 19Hz)." value="128"/> </dipgroup> </adip> </cvbyte> <cvbyte nr="51" cat="config" desc="Motor configuration" dipid="cv50"/>
See for attribute description:
The selected values are added together and the outcome is used as new CV value.
PT On/Off
Some Command Stations need a signal to activate and/or deactivate the programming track. See the Command Station documentation for more information.
Decoder definition
If the "cat" attribute is not set, the CV is categorized using the predefined categories.
<decoder manu="NMRA" type="RP-9.2.2" web="" collapse="false" info="The standard of DCC mobile decoders."> <cvbyte nr="1" cat="address" desc="Primary Address" info="Base short address in range of 1-127."/> ... <cvbyte nr="29" cat="general" desc="Configuration Data #1" info="Configuration for addressing, speed steps, RailCom and DC operation."/> </decoder>
Attribute | Description | Range | Default |
nr | CV# | 1…1024 | 0 |
word | 16 bit value | true, false | false |
cat | Category | * | empty |
desc | CV short description. 3) | * | empty |
info | Extra help and info. | * | empty |
Predefined categories
RocPro will try to load the categories.xml file first. The rocview.ini will be used if it this file is not available.
Categories can be predefined in the categories.xml file found in the Decoder path.
<cvconf> <cvcat name="Addressing" nrs="1,17,18"/> ... </cvconf>
Categories can also be defined in the rocview.ini as child nodes of the cvconf node:
<gui> <cvconf> <cvcat name="Addressing" nrs="1,17,18"/> ... </cvconf> </gui>
There is no dialog for editing CV categories.
Category definitions are used for cvbyte lines without a category set.
Ready-to-use decoder definitions
The files extracted from the archives can be loaded instead of the default nmra-rp922.xml
file and contain decoder specific CVs and their descriptions.
- Paco decoder definitions:
- Zimo "small decoders" (MX618, MX621, MX622, MX623, MX630, MX631, MX632, MX633 and other no-sound decoders). CV descriptions are in German.