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Content Rocrail Server Configuration

A restart of the server is required in order for changes to take effect!


Use Code to set in block

Depends on: Use Bi-Directional Communication
If this option is set empty blocks will accept the the Loco with this code.
If the Loco is already in another block it will be moved if it is not in automatic mode.
Use this option only if the used system reports 100% reliable.

Power off at ident mismatch

If a block has an ident sensor and the reported ident code does not match the expected locomotive one it will power off the booster.

Auto mode off at ghost train

If a block encounters an unexpected event, in case "Accept ghost trains" is disabled, it will switch off the auto mode.

Power off at ghost train

If a block encounters an unexpected event, in case "Accept ghost trains" is disabled, it will power off the booster.
If the Power manager is used, and a block is listed at one of the boosters, only this booster will get a power off command.
Security is decreased by disabling this option…

EBreak at ghost train

If a block encounters an unexpected event, in case "Accept ghost trains" is disabled, it will send an emergency break command to the CS.

Keep ghost state

Keep the ghost state until it is manually reset.
The ghost state disappears if the block is no longer electrically occupied if this option is not set.

Stop none commuter in terminal

Stop the auto mode of none commuter trains after the IN event in a terminal station to be able to manually run around the locomotive to the other side of the consist.

Close block on ghost

If the block does not accept ghosts, and it is electrically occupied, it will close on the first attempt to reserve this block.

Use only the first code

Railcom section can detect multiple decoders.
Check this option to use only the first one reported to identify a locomotive.

Close on no events

Close blocks if there are no events defined for running in auto mode.

Disable block wait for half automatic mode

Set this option to avoid waiting in manual mode.

Stop at IN for half automatic mode

Automatically send a stop command to the manually controlled loco at IN in case no next destination is found.

Use random block rate

Blocks can be given a random rate to be able to influence the randomly selected block if more then one destination is possible.

Not activated

With a random number, in range of the size of the list of available destination blocks, a selection is made.


All available destination blocks are sorted by the Random rate.
All those rates are added together to determine the random range.
The bigger the block its random rate, the higher is the change it will be randomly selected; But it remains random and therefore unpredictable.

Block Rate Random hit
b1 10 0…10
b2 40 11…50
b3 50 51…100

Enable block power check

At locking a block it will be checked if it has power If the block is part of a Booster District.

Check electrification

Check if the block is Electrified in case an electric driven locomotive wants to reserve the block.

Link analog blocks if the track driver system supports it.
All block track drivers will receive a separate commando if this option is not activated.
The link concerns about routes. The destination block and all via blocks will be linked to the current(source) block.
Note: This option activated, which is default, is recommended for the Dinamo system.

Block wait for schedules

If a schedule destination does not have a depart time or minimal wait set, the block wait time will be used.
For compatibility reasons this option ist default active.

Min Block - Train length

Length (in mm or other units, see Locomotives: General) a Block has to be equal or longer than the train (+ Min Block - Train length) in order to allow the train to enter the block.

Block init pause

The pause time(in milliseconds) is used if the auto mode is activated; Every block will be called to initialize itself which will most likely send signal commands.
This pause time is mainly used to prevent too many commands in a short period of time.
Default 0ms.


Timer events

:!: Use with care; This could overload the Rocrail clients if many locomotives are running in auto mode.

If a locomotive is in the wait status every second the time left to wait are broadcasted to the clients.

Mode events

Send all Loco Mode changes to the clients to update the mode column and block state signals.
:!: To avoid massive CPU usage, in case of many active locomotives, it is recommended to turn this option off.

Signal events

Shows a red dot in the left upper corner of the speed field of the throttle in case the current block has a red signal.

In Rocweb the background color of direction button will be set to red.

Ignore events within...

Sensor Enter-events are filtered out if they are in the same time frame as specified in the field. (field value x 10ms)

Use Bi-Directional Communication

Enable BiDi for evaluating the ident reported.

Create guest on BiDi

A guest loco is created if a BiDi Ident, or field event, did not match with an existing Loco.

Timed sensors

Enables the option for delayed off sensor event.

Generate unregistered sensors

Activate this option if BiDiB hardware systems expect acknowledge of feedback from addresses that are not defined in Rocrail. So that the acknowledgement is possible, temporary sensor objects are created for the undefined address data.

:!: Attention: The option should only be activated if it is necessary. In other cases, malfunctions are possible, e.g. RocNetNode.

Ignore events within

Enter-Events will be filtered out, if they occure in the defined Time range (Value in ticks of 10ms).

Event timeout

Timer (in seconds) to wait for a sensor event.
A warning message will appear in the Rocview server panel.
Default set to zero: Not used.
This option can be useful for none visible trains in tunnels or at backstage.
In case of an event timeout the state eventtimeout of the loco in question can be used to trigger an action that in turn may, e.g., switch on an optical or acoustical warning or switches off track power.
Event timeouts occur:

  1. When a loco driving out of a block does not trigger the next expected event enter in the next block within the defined time.
  2. When a loco driving into a block (event enter) does not trigger the next expected event in in the same block within the defined time.



A CSV list of automatic excluded locations.
This can be useful if a locomotive is in an offstage location to prevent commands.


No speed change for switches

If the route contains thrown switches the signal will be set to white (yellow with three aspects signals) and the loco velocity will set to V_mid.
The feature is disabled by setting this checkbox.

Skip switch commands in routes, if already set

If the used switches are reliable, and not connected to position sensors, the route switching time could be reduced using this option.

:!: If not set, this function can cause the loc to reduce from V-Max to V-Mid before returning to V-Max, due to switch settings that need to be verified

Skip signal commands if already set

No command is send to the Command Station if the signal (seemingly) shows the wanted aspect.
The "InitField" command should be used to synchronize signals at startup.

:!: If not set, this function can cause the loc to reduce from V-Max to V-Mid before returning to V-Max, due to signal settings that need to be verified

Synchronize routes

Force setting one route at a time, regarding the Route synchronizer timeout, to reduce power consumption and switch decoder overload with multiple outputs.
Note: This option is NOT compatible with FiFo blocks.

Use Finder for destination path

If this option is activated, the Finder will be used to find the shortest/longest/random path to the Destination.
If deactivated, the Route selection is random ("Aquarium mode").

Allow swap destination

This option can be used for relocating Automobiles which have gone to another destination because of mal functioning turnouts and/or sensors.
It can only work if the RFID detecting system is 100% reliable.

No Forum support.

Reset schedule on stop auto mode

Schedules not re-started after the auto mode is stopped.

Location Prioritization

If activated (default) the Location flow management has preference, if not set the routes priorities take precedence.

Select shortest block

If train and block length are set this option will choose the shortest block available for that train.
This option will decrease the random variation. In some cases it may be, that ever the same block will be the target.

Enable Router

Special option to disable the Router for a demo server.

Force unlock at EBreak

All routes and switches will be forced unlocked after an Emergency Break.

Route switch time

Time (in milliseconds) between switch commands in routes.
Default is 500 ms (Rev. 12.671+), Range 0..10000 ms.
If a train is sent on a route and for this route switch commands have been defined these are executed first in the interval specified here. The successive commands to the train are thereby delayed until all switches did get their command.

When using switches without position sensors Rocrail does not know when the switches are in the correct position and when it is safe to start the train. This holds true especially for servo driven switches which might take some time to reach their final position. That is, the Route switch time should not fall below the time needed by one individual switch to reach its end position.

Note: The "Route switch time" is not a switching time at all.
This is the time interval between the individual commands to the turnouts or signals, for which a command is defined in the Route → Command tab.
Thus: Start of the turnout/signal switch time + pause until the start of the next turnout/signal switch time.

Route synchronizer timeout

When the option Synchronize routes is active, Rocrail will wait with setting a second route, but only for the timeout time specified. When the timeout time has expired the route will be set, regardless whether or not the setting of the first route has finished.

(Set) timeout

The global timeout (in seconds) to wait for setting all commands in a route.
An exception message "2060" will appear in the Rocview server panel if the timeout is exceeded. The exception can be processed by a system action.
Default set to zero: Not used.
This value can be overwritten by the Set Timeout value in the route properties.

Virtual timer

Time in seconds between the enter2in events for the Virtual Automatic.
Range: 2-60 seconds.


Realtime calculation for the enter2in events when set for the Virtual Automatic.

The travel time of a train will be virtually calculated by loco speed in km/h, scale, block length and route length.

Preconditions for realtime calculation:


Reserve second next block

Also known as "Look a head" feature.
This is the global flag to enable this for all locomotives and will try to reserve two blocks ahead at enter or initial go.
To set this option for individual locos, leaving this option unset, it will bring more diversity to the running locomotives: Locomotive Details

Note:: This option can not prevent deadlocks, critical sections and block groups should be used to avoid them.
Note:: This option is necessary if three-aspect signals are to show the correct aspects in some configurations.

Disable steal loco control

This option prevents stealing a loco from another throttle.
The throttle in charge must explicitly release the loco to give it free for other throttles.

Allow zero Throttle ID

Broadcast also loco events coming from unknown throttles (zero or blank ID).
Normally those events are disregarded to avoid broadcasting echo packets to clients.

Tip1: With certain command stations (e. g. Intellibox, ECoS, CS1, CS2) changes of loco velocities and / or loco functions by means of a command station throttle are not displayed in Rocview. Activating the option will correct this behavior.

Tip2: Reboot Rocrail und command station.

Tip3: Track power has to be on, in order that functions will be activated in Rocview.

Release loco on idle

Release the loco from the Command Stations refresh stack to make room for new activated locos.
The loco will be released after it has been set from automatic into idle/stop and the speed equals zero.
Supported Libraries:

  • BiDiB
  • Massoth
  • ZimoBIN

Send zero speed command at power on

The V0 command is only send if the loco speed is already zero and the first power on in this session.
Note: This could be helpful to trigger Railcom decoders to use channel 2 which is needed when two or more are in the same detection section.

Reset speed and functions

Reset at startup loco speed to zero and all functions to off.

Redirect slave commands to master loco

If a loco is a member of a consist the commands send to the slave loco will be redirected to the consist master.

V 0 on emergency break

Send a zero speed command to all locos in case of an emergency break to the Command Station.

Use BiDi direction

This option will be reset after the Automatic mode has been switched on until the next Rocrail startup.

Use the direction reported by a BiDi sensor to set the Loco Placing, rerailing direction, in case the loco is not in automatic mode and the global automatic mode is deactivated.
Generated Locos are excluded from this function.
Default off.
This option also needs Use Bi-Directional Communication and Use Code to set in block.
:!: Use with care because the reported direction could mangle the logical direction/placing in Rocrail.
See also Block polarisation.

Block enter side

If this sub option is set the block enter side of the loco will be changed instead of the placing.

Disable BiDi direction at auto mode

Disable processing of BiDi, RailCom, direction after the first auto mode on command.
It will be disabled for the rest of the Rocrail session.

Restore schedule

Restore the last used schedule at startup.

Restore reservation

Restore and reserve the saved goto block at startup.

Loco start gap

Time (in seconds) between loco starts in auto mode. Default 1s.
This function is meant to delay consecutive loco starts in auto mode when using the commands start all locs and resume all locs. Problems arising when too many trains start and too many switch commands are sent at the same time can be avoided using this option.

Max. Running

The maximum number of locomotives that can operate, at the same time, in automode. The default is 0, indicating all locomotives can run.


Power off at automatic reset

Global track power is turned off before resetting the automatic mode.

Check if all decoders are online

This will prevent switching on the automatic mode before all defined Decoders are reported online.
Supported Systems:

Check if restore is ready

This will prevent switching on the automatic mode before all locos did restore functions and speed.

Action timer 60 sec.

Use a 60 second interval for evaluating action timers.
A one second interval is used when this option is not set. This will use extra CPU resources.


Activate the Weather control.

Check trace actions

Enable triggering actions by trace ID in combination with system actions.

Generate booster

A booster object will be generated in case of an incoming power or state event from an unknown booster and with its UID set.

Init field pause

Time (in milliseconds) between the commands during init field.
The value is often set to the one of the Route switch time or higher to allow switches to be set correctly and to avoid sending too many commands in a short period of time.

Init field power on

By default the rail power is switched on before starting to initialize the switches.
In case of 2-Rail systems, with polarized electro frogs, it is preferable to leave power off to avoid a short circuit in case a train is on a switch…

End of Day Timeout

Amount of seconds to wait for all locos to become idle.
See also the End of Day menu.

End of Day Power Off Delay

Amount of seconds to wait for shutdown and power off the system.


Default Signal Aspect

The default signal aspect used for an unoccupied block.

Green aspect if next is red

To disable the yellow aspect in case the next block signal is red. See also Rocrail configuration and page Signals.

Process signal events

Accessory events which are no sensors or switches will be regarded as signal events.
Enable this option only if manually operated signals, directly on the Command Station, should be displayed correctly in Rocrail.

Reset signal

Timer (in seconds) to wait for resetting signals of current block and/or route to red.
If the distance between the signal and the next block enter event is very long it make sense to set this timer. The event which comes first will reset the signals: enter of next block or end of Reset signal timer.
Default set to zero: Not used.

Semaphore time

Time (in seconds) to wait for a semaphore to get from red into green/yellow position. Default 1s.
This option prevents trains starting before the signal is showing the correct aspect. This value can, in addition, be increased to simulate the reaction time of the engine driver.

Note: This option is only effective on signals linked with a block.

Signal time

Time (in seconds) to wait for a signal to show another aspect. Default 1s.
This option prevents trains starting before the signal is showing the correct aspect. This value can, in addition, be increased to simulate the reaction time of the engine driver.

Note: This option is only effective on signals linked with a block.


Enable Switch Feedback

Default set to true.
If testing with the Virtual CS, and if there are switch position feedbacks defined, it is sometimes desirable to ignore them to be able to set routes.

Switch Time

Switches (turnouts, points) are powered for the time (in milliseconds) given here. The value depends one the kind of switches in use. Short times should be preferred but it has to be made sure that the switches are still reliable.

Hardware command stations mostly use the switch time set within the command station itself, thus it is not possible to alter the actual switch time with this option. The switch time, however, should be set to at least the value of the command station. This ensures the switch is set before a train can start.

Switch safe position timer

Timer (in seconds) to reset the switches to their Safe Switch Position.
A value of zero will disable this option in automatic mode.


CTC Events

Enable CTC events. Disable this option incase it uses too much processing power.

CTC Occupancy priority

Default the route color will beset also in case the block has been occupied.

rocrailini-automode-en.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/25 09:49 by rjversluis