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SVG Dynamic Themes

ContentRocview SVG Themes

This documentation is based on Rocrail Version 2.1.4966 dated 03.08.2024 .
The development is still "Work In Progress" (WIP).


SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) symbols are used to define Rocrail object symbols to display the contents of a Rocrail plan file.
SVG symbols may be created and/or modified with the Rocview internal Rocview SVG Editor


The paths to the SVG symbols are:

Path Description
svg/themes Standard default SVG themes.
svg/dynthemes Dynamic optional SVG themes.

Construction Details

Supported Elements

An "SVG Tutorial" can be found at
A SVG symbol code may use any SVG element but … .
- the standard SVG symbol measures 32 x 32 pixels;
- so a circle with its radius value can not be centered inside that symbol, because of having to use integer values for any coordinate;
- …

Element Meaning
svg header
g group; at least one g has to be present
path to create simple or complex shapes
rect to create a rectangle
circle to create a circle
ellipse to create an ellipse
line to create a line
polygon to create a graphic that contains at least three sides
polyline to create any shape that consists of only straight lines

The preferred element for drawing is the <path>.

Header Attributes


  <svg width="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="">
 ... </svg>
  <svg ledsupport="true" width="100%" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="">
 ... </svg>

The header of the SVG symbol code should have the following attributes set:

Element Attribute Example Meaning
svg - - no LED attribute and no G-STATE will be used for this symbol
ledsupport ledsupport="true" Rocrail specific; LED attributes will be used for this symbol;
in case of switches G-STATE will also be used for this symbol

SVG Element Attributes

SVG Element G


  <g state="straight"> ... </g>
  <g state="turnout"> ... </g>
  <g state="left"> ... </g>
  <g state="right"> ... </g>
Element Attribute Example Meaning
g state state="straight" Rocrail specific control to execute this group at the given state

SVG Element PATH


<path led="1" stroke="rgb(192,192,192)" fill="rgb(192,192,192)" d="M 8,14 L 23,14 L 23,17 L 8,17 z "/>
<path led="2" stroke="black" fill="rgb(255,0,0)" d="M 2,6 L 6,2 L 27,2 L 23,6 L 27,10 L 6,10 z "/>
Element Attribute Example Meaning
path led led="1" Rocrail specific control to colorize STROKE and FILL
stroke stroke="black" sets the color of the line around an element;
use the implicit STROKE-WIDTH of 1
fill fill="rgb(192,192,192)" sets the color of the inside of an element
d d="M 8,14 L 23,14 L 23,17 L 8,17 z " a set of commands which define the path;
M = moveto; L = lineto; Z = close path; … with comma separated x,y points;
x and y must be integer values

SVG Element RECT


<rect txt="1" x="0" y="0" rx="0" width="31" height="10" stroke="none" fill="none"/>
<rect x="0" y="0" rx="0" width="1" height="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,255)" fill="rgb(0,0,255)"/>
Element Attribute Example Meaning
rect led led="1" Rocrail specific control to colorize STROKE and FILL
txt txt="1" Rocrail specific; to specify the location of the symbols ID string;
will only work with RECT;
x x="0" the x-position of the top-left corner of the rectangle
y y="0" the y-position of the top-left corner of the rectangle
rx rx="0" the rx attribute defines the radius of the corners of the rectangle
ry ry="0" the ry attribute defines the radius of the corners of the rectangle
stroke stroke="black" sets the color of the line around an element;
use the implicit STROKE-WIDTH of 1
fill fill="rgb(192,192,192)" sets the color of the inside of an element

LED Attribute Values

The normal LED attribute values are in the range of 1 to 99.
With offsets to the normal value the meaning can be expanded:

LED Offset Meaning Remark
- - the colors inside the SVG symbol are displayed
led="x" +0 the FILL color will be set to the actual state color
led="x" +100 the STROKE color will also be set to the actual state color
led="x" +200 the STROKE color will be set to the black color
led="x" +300 the STROKE becomes the state color and FILL will be set to none (transparent) Can be used for testing the text frames.

This he following LED attribute values are defined:

Name Value
track or block
occ 1
blockstate 2
sensplus 3
sensmin 4
arrowplus 5
arrowmin 6
stateoff 2
stateon 3
red 2
green 3
yellow 4
white 5
blank 6

SVG Illumination Properties

Each SVG theme folder will contain the file "properties.xml" which contains the illumination properties for that SVG theme. The contents can be edited at Rocview Properties / SVG / Theme X / Properties
One example is shown below:

Symbol List

— to be done —

svg/dynthemes-en.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/07 15:06 by rjversluis