Table of Contents
Train Manual
Operational features of Trains
Essential Features for the automatic mode can be defined on a train instead of a loco.
This will be useful when a train-oriented operation favoured, features defined in a train are omitted to the loco in case of a consist.
The advantage is the ability to exchange locos freely, just by establish and release a consist, without changing parameters in the loco
Following train features influences the loco:
- Commuter train
- Train type
- Train length: the sum of all car lengths will be added to the loco in case of a consist
- Max. speed is defined by the lowest speed defined in any car of a train
- Train weight: the sum of the weight of all cars sets the acceleration parameter CV5 of the loco in case of a consist (prerequisites: central station is PoM enabled, respective entries in the loco-tab for this feature, cars have a weight entry set, optional waybills with load-weight)
- Class: useful when used schedules in combination with "lookup when idle" feature in the loco definition
- BBT-Option "centering train"
- Stop at Pre2in, use shortin event
Create a Train
In Rocrail parlance a train is a group of one or more wagons, to which a locomotive is assigned.
Define Cars
- Initially every car, used in creating a train, has to be created in the Car table.
Assemble a Train
- From menu tables the operator table is opened (Menu Tables →
Operator and Trains).
- On tab Operator Index a new train is created.
- On tab Operator Control the name
is overwritten by an appropriate name for the new train. - On tab Operator Train random cars can be assembled to the train using the Add button.
Assign a Loco to a Train
- Ready defined trains may be coupled or uncoupled to / from a loco with "assign train" / "Release train" in the Loco Tab:
- The assigned train of the respective locomotive can now be seen in the column "train" in the locomotive table
Assemble a Train by Code
If all cars have a way to identify themselves by RFID, RailCom or Barcode the block option "Assemble Train" can be used.
The block must have a detector sensor to be able to scan the code of the in coming cars.
If all the cars are in, the block command "Stop assemble train" can be issued to create a new train with the given ID.
The train will be assigned to the loco already occupying the block.
If the loco has already assigned a train the cars will be added to the existing train. (No new train ID will be asked.)
To view the progress in the Rocview Server windows the Calculation trace level must be activated.
Cars can be removed from the train with the Disassemble menu items.
Decoder Control
Cars may have a decoder: Car Interface
- By assigning a train to a locomotive a train compilation will be created. Basic function F0 like front light on/off or direction depending light changes are automatically synchronized by this assignment (especially loco from the control car).
- Other functions will be also controlled from loco to car (eg interior light, high beam …). When using different decoder types a function mapping is possible
1. Call throttle of the car
Option: Operators and trains, Tab: Train, select a train and a Controller pops up.
2. Define functions for a train
It is possible to define 28 functions on train level. Functions are controlled by pressing "shift" at the loco throttle after the train is assigned to this loco.
With this function, all the train decoders that are available are addressed simultaneously with the same function.
If only the second variantion should be used for a train, then check the dialog "Only functions with shift work". The third variaton described below will not be executed.
- Create Train-Functions
3. Synchronize functions with the Loco
When a locomotive is assigned to a train -and the shift only functions in section 2 are not selected- accesses Rocrail all locomotive functions 1:1 of the train cars (basic functions, such as peak light on/off or directional light change). This is of particularly interest by locomotive and control car combinations. In addition, all other functions of the locomotive can be passed to the cars (e.g. headlights, interior lighting, ….); this is necessary due to (possible) different types of decoders.
Block/Route Permissions
- The attribute commuter train will be temporarily assigned to a train when defined on a car (e.g. control car) even if this attribute originally was not assigned to the locomotive. This allows for change of a loco without having to change this attribute on the train. This attribute will be synced automatically when assigning the train to a loco (especially control car to loco)
Train length and Block length dependencies
In automatic mode Rocrail is allowed to enter a block depending on the length of a train or the block. This insures that trains only use blocks, which offer enough space for the current train to fully enter can and thus to avoid accidents due to excessive length.
It is recommended to use values in millimeters.
This values are:
- minimum train lengths in blocks → Min Block - Train length
- length of blocks → Block General
- length of the locomotives → Loco General
- length of each car used → Car Details
- max. length in routes → Max. train length
Important information about lengths
- The length of a train compilation (loco & cars) will be automatically calculated and shown in the column "train" in the loco table.
- Multiple loco units will be also considered for the Train length
- To make sure that a train fits into a block, the sum of the parameters minimum train length in block + length of the loco + sum of all lengths of all cars has to be less or equal to the block length.
The values in all fields for the length parameters are integer. By using values in cm or inch the complete length of a train may be not exact enough in case of long trains. Rocrail is only comparing values, not dimensions. Therefore the dimension can be freely chosen (regardless of other statements).
Train impact on Loco speed and acceleration
Some parameters will have impact on the Loco speed and Acceleration:
- weight of each car used → Car Details
- Max. km/h of each car used → Car Details
- Max. km/h of the train → Operator Train
Train location
The location for a Train will be automatically updated if the Loco arrives in a block.
After releasing this train from the loco, the train still remains in that block which is visualized as shown in the next paragraph.
Note: A block with unassigned train/cars can only be used as loco destination if this block is set to Shunting unless the block Allows access in case cars are present in the block.
Block representation
In Rocview block IDs are suffixed with a Number sign (#) in case one or more cars are residing in it:
Attention: only the list of cars is shown in the tooltip; the sequence of the cars is not displayed!
Example to sync Functions between loco and car
- Loco with Sound - Decoder. Number of functions: 20
- Four cars with built in Decoder, e.g. interior lights with integrated Decoder. Number of functions: 8
- The function of the cars shall be controlled by loco throttle.
- Every car has to be created in the Car table.
- The decoder address of each car to be configured in the interface tab, e.g. 50,51,52,53
- when coupling F0 (direction dependent function, e.g. for a tail light) for this car select "direction" and "lights" with a check mark.
Function synchronization
- enter a name for the functions 0-7 in each car. These should be different from the names of loco functions.
- search for free functions in the loco and enter the same names e.g. for F22-F28
- enter in the car function definition in the field fx the corresponding loco function number (example: car function: F1 name=AUX1 fx= 22, F1 of the car will be controlled by F22 of the loco)
- assemble the cars to a train
- assign the train to the loco
Result: the car functions can be controlled by the loco throttle as long as the train is assigned to the loco.