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WIOpico 16 I/O


The Pico-W is pin compatible with the Pico. But features also a WiFi connection module.

GCA Extension Units

Not all GCA Extension Units are 3V3 compatible; Check the documentation.
If 5V I/O is needed: Check the WIO-01 and WIO-02 or a Level Shifter like the GCA-OK1.



The IO16 and Control type are the only one available for the Pico W and Pico 2W.
All other functionality is on the fly or per Preload or Extra.


RP2040 Specific Board and Libraries

This is the same for both Pico W and Pico 2W.

Boards manager URL


Compiling WIO for target Pico W and Pico 2W, needs a few extra Arduino libraries:

  • RP2040_PWM
  • RPI_PICO_TimerInterrupt
  • LittleFS_Mbed_RP2040
SparkFun APDS9960 Library

Line 198 in the Arduino/libraries/SparkFun_APDS9960.h must be changed from NA_STATE into NO_STATE because it conflicts with the WiFi RP2040 library.
This Enum value ist not used in the Arduino/libraries/SparkFun_APDS9960.cpp. (implementation)


  1. Keep the Pico button pressed at connecting to USB. (Important: The USB cable has to be a data cable, a charging-only cable doesn't work)
  2. The Pico will behave like a removable drive.
  3. Copy the following file on this drive:
    1. Pico W WIO.ino.uf2
    2. Pico 2W WIO.ino.uf2
  4. Ready.


The easiest way is to use the Maintenance Tab in the WIO Dialog.

OTA update

pico-ota-en.jpg Use the

file for the OTA upload on the update tab of the WIO Dialog.



I2C Pin Remark
SDA GP4 10k pull-up
SCL GP5 10k pull-up




NeoPixel Pin
Data GP2 Disabled in case of Charlyplexing.


Battery Pin Remark
Voltage GP28 Disabled in case of stepper.
Resistors: (+)–[100k]–(aIN)–[33k]–(-)


Servo Pin Remark
1 GP6 270Ω protection resistor between GP and servo.
2 GP7 idem
3 GP8 idem
4 GP9 idem

With the option I/O1 Servos activated see: Bank 1.


Pin 4-wire 3-wire Remark
GP10 IN1 CLK+ step, define as output
GP11 IN2 DIR+ define as output
GP12 IN3 ENABLE+ define as output
GP13 IN4 - define as output
GP28 CAL CAL Hall/Reed calibrate sensor (Battery check will be disabled.)


Pin Mobile Remark
GP10 ENA H-Bridge enable (ENA)
GP11 IN1 H-Bridge input 1 (IN1)
GP12 IN2 H-Bridge input 2 (IN2)
GP13 Lights


WIO Type Control.

Pin Throttle Remark
GP10 ROT1 Rotary connection 1
GP11 ROT2 Rotary connection 2
GP12 ROTSW Rotary switch
GP13 F0 Function button 0
GP14 F1 Function button 1
GP15 F2 Function button 2
GP16 F3 Function button 3
GP17 F4 Function button 4
GP18 SHIFT Function shift



Pin I/O2 Usage Remark H-Bridge Main
GP20 5 DCC1 DCC+ signal IN1
GP21 6 DCC2 DCC- signal IN2
GP22 7 PT H-Bridge PT enable
GP26 8 PT-ACK Pickup the acknowledge from the mobile decoder
GP27 9 Reserved For load(A) in future versions
GP3 10 Main H-Bridge Main enable EN


WIO version 952+


  1. Two RFID MFRC522 readers are supported.
  2. It needs 5 extra ports.
  3. Reporting addresses are 100 and 101. (In Rocrail 101 and 102.)
  4. Automatic sensor off event after 1500ms. (Before it must be acknowledged by the server.)
  5. Four times retry until acknowledge, then give up.

Signal Pico Port WIOpico01 RFID RC522
Slave Select 1 GP17 1-8 1 (SDA) reader 1
Slave Select 2 GP15 1-6 1 (SDA) reader 2
SCK GP18 2-1 2 (SCK)
MOSI GP19 2-2 3 (MOSI)
MISO GP16 1-7 4 (MISO)


Example products: Multiplex signals by Viessmann

Signal settings

  • Control: Aspect numbers
  • Type Multiplex

See also Charlieplexing signal support.

Wire GP Remark
1 10 Main signal Adress 1, Distant signal Adress 101
2 11
3 12
4 13
1 14 Main signal Adress 5, Distant signal Adress 105
2 15
3 16
4 17
1 18 Main signal Adress 9, Distant signal Adress 109
2 19
3 20
4 21
1 22 Main signal Adress 13, Distant signal Adress 113
2 26
3 27
4 3

All I/O used must be defined as an output.


Bank 1, connector I/O1
Pin Port Nr. GP Remark I/O1 Servos
1 - - - +3.3V
2 - - - Mass
3 1 14 GP10 Optional 10k pull-up resistors to 3,3 V at all. Servo 5
4 2 15 GP11 Servo 6
5 3 16 GP12 Servo 7
6 4 17 GP13 Servo 8
7 5 19 GP14 Servo 9
8 6 20 GP15 Servo 10
9 7 21 GP16 Servo 11
10 8 22 GP17 Servo 12

Servo 5-12 only with the option I/O1 Servos activated see: Bank 1.

Bank 2, connector I/O2
Pin Port Nr. GP Remark
1 - - - +3.3V
2 - - - Mass
3 9 24 GP18 Optional 10k pull-up resistors to 3,3 V at all.
4 10 25 GP19
5 11 26 GP20
6 12 27 GP21
7 13 29 GP22
8 14 31 GP26
9 15 32 GP27
10 16 5 GP3


GCA PCB for the WIOpico.


Connector Pin(s) Remark 1 Remark 2
BAT1 - Power/Battery source R-78E-5
I/O1 GP10…GP17 10k resistor array for pull-up The internal pull-up is often not sufficient.
I/O2 GP18…GP22, GP26, GP27 and GP3 10k resistor array for pull-up idem
I2C1 GP4 and GP5 3k3 pull-up VCC and GND
NP1 GP2 +5V and GND
Ser1…4 GP6…GP9 270 Ohm resister in between the data line +5V and GND
Hall1 GP28 JP1 selection Hall. +5V and GND
- GP28 Battery check: 100k/33k JP1 selection Battery


  • +5V on servo, pixel, UART and I2C connectors only in case of external power supply.





wio/wiopico-io16-en.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/24 14:09 by rjversluis